青苔玻璃盆栽(Moss Terrarium)保養貼士








Moss Terrarium Maintenance Tips

Since Terrariums are self-contained ecosystems, moistures are recycled so they need minimal attention. Newly planted moss terrariums require slight watering once in 4-5 days. Once the right humidity balance is established, mist the terrarium with distilled water once a week depending on its condition. In the forth month onward, water it once in two weeks. NEVER OVERWATER! Too much water can cause soggy conditions. Root might rot as It does harm to terrariums. It is always better to keep your terrarium a little dry than to be too moist!

For closed terrariums, remove the lid for a few hours every 4-5 days to allow ventilation. Fresh air is important to keep terrarium happy! If you see too much condensation on the wall of container or you happened to add excessive water to your terrarium, remove its lid for a few hours to allow humidity level to return to normal level.

Remove the lid for a few hours at least once a week to to provide adequate ventilation. Don’t forget to replace the lid to restore humidity.

Terrarium provides only limited space for plant growth. Trimming is necessary to allow enough space for healthy plant development. If plants in terrarium grow taller and touch the container, a little trimming is essential to keep your terrarium in good shape. Use a small scissors to trim overgrown herbal branches. Trim other errant branches to restore the shape of your Terrarium.

Remove any part of the plant that show signs of yellowing or damage. They might spread mould or diseases quickly in the Terrarium.

All plants need a certain amount of light for photosynthesis to take place. Too much light can roast plants living in Terrarium while plants with too little light might result in stunted growth. Moss flourishes in shade environment, keep terrariums away from direct sunlight and place it in bright areas with lots of indirect light.

DO NOT FERTILIZE. You do not want to encourage growth of plants which might overpower the space in a terrarium.

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